Branding the national airline 
for Wales
branding | marketing | collaboration | concept
How might we encourage the people of Wales to fly with a new national airline?
This is the question that was pondered during a collaborative concept project with advertising students and a brief from Dirty Little Serifs.

The people of Wales can be very patriotic (especially when it comes to sports) and take pride in anything they can connect to their homeland. Therefore, the airline was branded 'Draig Cymru' meaning 'Welsh Dragon', highlighting the importance of the fantastical beast of flight within the identity of Wales.
Working together to create a marketing strategy, two different types of campaign were created. One illustrated campaign with quotations to promote the airline's destinations, and one photographic campaign using a tongue-in-cheek tone and welsh idioms to promote conversation about the airline, either in person or with the social media tool #dragonsareborntofly.
The creation of branded airline paraphernalia was considered, including the design of in-flight brochures, along with branded fuselage and cabin crew uniform to maintain a cohesive visual identity throughout the brand.
The sleek typeface and abstract Draig Cymru logo representing a dragon in flight was created by incorporating a navigational arrow associated with travel, along with distinctive characteristics of Wales including hills and mountains, and the Welsh dragon. The colours within the logo were inspired by the Welsh flag, with the head of the dragon changed to green to indicate 'go'!

Go people of Wales - and fly with Draig Cymru!
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