Promoting critical thinking skills in non-graduates
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How might design challenge people's critical thinking skills and promote informed decision making?
Critical thinking is a skill taught to students in higher education, but what about those aged 18-25 who do not attend university? With the surge in misinformation and conspiracy theories during the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for critical thinking is more apparent than ever.
Research has shown that those who do not attend university are less likely to explain what critical thinking is or understand what skills this entails. Even if non-graduates have developed the ability to think critically through other life activities such as reading or travel, they may still be unable to confidently use these skills in day-to-day life.
FUCT (For Unity in Critical Thinking) is a concept for a critical thinking community for young adults, encouraging learning and personal growth through informal, social means and engaging language. Member participation with others of similar or differing opinions in safe neutral environments locally and online promotes social learning and communicating of this essential skill.
We're FUCT!
Within the FUCT community, ambassadors arrange regular meet-ups in the local community where debate, discussion and curiosity are encouraged. FUCT Fest is a week-long interactive event in the UK held during Global Media and Information Literacy Week, where attendees can engage with speakers of various opinions on current affairs. Accompanying this are interactive exhibits where the audience can practice their critical thinking skills, live music to promote a festival feel and of course good food and drink!
The FUCT website provides an opportunity to find out more about critical thinking, update community members on upcoming events and meets, while also allowing the purchase FUCT branded goods to wear the critical thinking community badge with pride!

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