Engage in conversations on organ donation
branding | campaign
How many of your loved ones know about your decisions on organ donation?​​​​​​​
Since the adoption of opt-out schemes in England and Wales, it appears that many donors do not discuss their wishes on organ donation with family or next of kin, meaning these decisions are not always respected when a donor passes.
While working on a brief from Icon Creative Design on behalf of The Westfield Health British Transport Games to raise awareness of the issue, the sub brand of ‘Vital’ was created.

​​​​​​​In order to create a relevant identity to compliment the Westfield Health British Transplant Games, while encouraging the audience to address the relevant topic with those who need to know, elements from the British Transplant Games’ existing identity were used within Vital’s brand identity to visually connect the two.​​​​​​​

The social media tool #VitalOrganConversations was decided upon due to the connections between the terms ‘vital organ’ and ‘vital conversations’ letting the audience know exactly what this topic of conversation is, while prompting them to join online discussions and broach the subject with their loved ones.

Employing guerrilla tactics by strategically placing stencil prompts near public spaces where families and friends gather, will direct them to the social media campaign and also engage with those that may not have interacted with the hashtag online.
As a stand alone brand, ‘Vital’ is impactful enough to gain attention of the audience. The word alone promotes a sense of urgency, and the arrow can garner interest and discussion as to why it replaces the ‘A’, while also raising awareness of the importance of organ donation, and the much needed conversations that surround the topic.

Vital would be broadened further with a standalone website, various social media platforms and nationwide campaigns such as a dedicated ‘vital organ conversation' day.
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